RITES Ltd. (A Govt. of India Enterprise) Schedule ‘A’ Mini Ratna Central Public Sector Undertaking under Ministry of Railways, is a premier multi-disciplinary consultancy organization in the field of transport, infrastructure and other related technologies. RITES Limited is inviting applications for Apprenticeship Training Program for the Financial Year 2021-22 from Degree (Engineering, Non engineering), Diploma and ITI Pass-out candidates. During the period of Apprenticeship, the candidates will be governed by the provisions of the Apprentices Act, 1961 (as amended from time to time) and commensurate policies/rules of the Organization. Applications are invited from the candidates with details as mentioned below
Educational Qualification:
Candidates should possess four years’ full-time degree in Engineering (three years Graduation in case of Non-Engineering Graduates viz., BA/BBA/B Com) or three years full-time Engineering Diploma or ITI Pass (Full Time) from NCVT/SCVT in the trades mentioned at Annexure-I, recognized by UGC & AICTE, State Govt/ GOI.
Important Dates
- Starting Date for Apply Online: 22-04-2021
- Last Date to Apply Online: 12-05-2021
How to apply:
a) Prior to applying for apprenticeship training vacancies in RITES Limited, Engineering Degree/Diploma candidates who have not registered with BOAT through NATS Portal (www.mhrdnats.gov.in) are required to register themselves and ITI Pass or Graduate BA, BBA/B Com pass candidates are required to register themselves on apprenticeshipindia.org NAPS portal.
b) Once registered on the NATS/NAPS apprenticeship portal as mentioned above, the interested candidates need to submit the details of registration and other relevant details by clicking the link https://forms.gle/vQk548kzhQKyARxZA. c) After filling the online form as per Point No.
3 (b) above, Candidates need to submit the scanned copy of the following documents in one pdf fileon email ID ritesapprenticerecruitment2021@gmail.com on or before the closing date of vacancy i.e. 12.05.2021.
i. Duly filled Application form (Typed/Written by hand in Capital Letters Only) attached as Annexure II with photograph pasted thereon (Original copy of the same is required at the time of document verification, if called)
ii. Essential qualification certificates as per Annexure I (Marksheets of all semesters/years and passing certificate/Degree/Diploma/ITI)
Note: If there is a CGPA system/pattern then the candidate must submit scanned copy of conversion formula issued by their Institution or University, to convert CGPA into percentage.
iii. DOB proof Matriculation Certificate/ Aadhar card/Driving License etc. in which D0B is mentioned clearly.
iv. ID Proof (Aadhar Card/Driving License/Voter ID Card etc.)
v. Caste certificate as per the prescribed GOI format in case candidate belongs to SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/EWS/PWD category. Latest caste certificate as per GOI (Central) format in case candidate belong to OBC (NCL) Category. Latest EWS certificate is required in case candidate belongs to EWS category.
Selection Process:
a) The eligible candidates shall be shortlisted on the basis of discipline (Trade/Branch/Stream) wise merit list formed on the basis of marks secured in the essential qualification mentioned in Annexure I, provided they satisfy the eligibility criteria in the required Essential Qualification mentioned at Para 2(a).
b) In case same % is secured by more than one candidate, the merit list will be drawn on the basis of their age (Date of Birth) i.e. higher the age, higher is the position in the merit.
c) The shortlisted candidates shall be informed through e-mail along with uploading of list on RITES website.
d) As per the NATS Portal, a candidate can be considered for imparting apprenticeship training within three years from the date of acquisition of the Engineering Degree/Diploma. Following the same, candidates to be considered for apprenticeship training on any particular date must have acquired the Engineering Degree/Diploma within the preceding period of three years. However, this condition of three years’ will not be applicable in case of ITI/Non-Engineering candidates.
e) The candidates shortlisted on the basis of the information provided in the Application Form shall have to produce all original testimonials/certificates at the time of document verification before joining, if selected. In case any information/claim made by the applicant in his/her application is found to be false, the candidature of such applicant shall be summarily cancelled. If any candidate submits more than one application, the candidature of such applicant shall be liable to be cancelled
Queries if any should be sent to ritesapprenticequery@gmail.com
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