Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) is a Public Sector Enterprise under the administrative control of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India. NPCIL is responsible for design, construction, commissioning and operation of nuclear power reactors.
Category wise break up of vacancies :
Discipline & Category wise break up of vacancies :
Reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) :
a) Disablement categories identified for appointment in Mechanical,
Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation, Chemical & Civil disciplines
are as follows :
b) Vacancies reserved for PwBDs are as follows
A.Eligibility Criteria
i. BE/B Tech/B Sc (Engineering)/5 year Integrated M Tech with a
minimum of 60% aggregate marks in one of the 6 engineering disciplines
mentioned in the Table below from University/Deemed University or
Institute recognized by AICTE/UGC. A minimum of 60% marks means
the marks as per the ordinances of the respective university.
ii. Applicants must have a valid GATE-2020 or GATE-2021 or GATE-2022
Score in the same engineering discipline as the qualifying degree
iii. Engineering degrees allowed for each discipline are as follows:
iv. *Related degree disciplines such as ‘Electrical’, ‘Electronics &
Communication’, ‘Electronics and Controls’ are also eligible to apply
under Electronics. However, such candidates must qualify on the basis
of a valid GATE score in Electronics. #Candidates with degree disciplines
‘Electrical & Electronics’ or ‘Electronics & Instrumentation’ can apply
under either of the disciplines (Electrical or Electronics etc). However,
such candidates must qualify on the basis of a valid GATE score in the
discipline in which they wish to be considered.
v. Candidates who have done 5 years integrated course leading to M.Tech
with a minimum of 60% marks in the relevant discipline may also apply
subject to fulfilling other laid down criteria.
vi. Only the above mentioned disciplines will be considered. Courses/
Disciplines with equivalence to the above will not be considered.
vii. Applicants whose final results are awaited and/or are appearing for the
final year/semester examination during 2022, but are otherwise eligible,
may also apply. If selected, they will be required to submit the final
result indicating completion of degree and percentage of marks (not less
than 60%) on or before 30th November, 2022.
B. Age Limit
The selection process will comprise of the following:
i. Shortlisting of candidates for personal interview for the posts of Executive
Trainee 2022 will be done in the order of merit drawn on the basis of vali
GATE 2020, GATE 2021 and GATE 2022 Scores by applying ratio of 1:12.
ii. Candidates obtaining valid GATE 2020/GATE 2021/GATE 2022 scores
shall only be eligible. Please note that only GATE 2020/GATE 2021/
GATE 2022 score is valid for this recruitment exercise in NPCIL underthis advertisement. GATE score of 2019 or of previous GATE examination shall not be entertained.
iii. Equal weightage will be given to GATE 2020 or GATE 2021 or GATE 2022
iv. ‘Persons with Benchmark Disabilities’ (PwBDs), will be shortlisted
separately by applying 1:12 ratio in each category of disability for which
vacancies are reserved.
v. Discipline and category wise cut off shall be displayed on recruitment
web portal of NPCIL. Result of shortlisting for interview shall be made
available to candidates under ‘Application Status’ link through individual
vi. Intimation of interview date/time/venue will be communicated to
shortlisted candidates through Email/SMS. Call letter for appearing for
interview will be made available for shortlisted candidates in the website
for downloading.
vii. Final selection will be done on the basis of performance in the
Personal Interview subject to medical fitness. No weightage will be
given to GATE Score during the final selection. The qualifying marks for
interview are as follows :
Unreserved – 70 %
viii. Separate merit list based on interview marks will be prepared for each
PwBD category for which vacancies are reserved & PwBDs will be selected
in the order of merit from this list.
ix. Result of the interview shall be made available to the candidates through
individual login on recruitment website of NPCIL www.npcilcareers.co.in.
Text of the Offer of appointment will also be made available for
downloading to the empanelled candidates on this website under
individual login.
x. On receipt of Offer of Traineeship, Empanelled candidates will be required
to submit their Acceptance form whether they want to join NPCIL or not
through email within the stipulated date.
x. Tie breaking principle:
In the event of a tie in interview marks, following criteria will be adopted
in sequence for deciding position in merit list:
a. In case of candidates with equal interview marks, candidate with
higher GATE score will be ranked higher.
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b. Wherever, both interview marks as well as GATE score is equal,
candidate senior in age will be ranked higher.
Interview Schedule & Venue
Interviews are scheduled tentatively from 13th to 25th June, 2022. Interviews
will be conducted at following four venue viz. Mumbai, Narora Atomic Power
Station (NAPS), Madras Atomic Power Station (MAPS) and Kaiga Generating
Station (KGS). Candidates are advised to indicate preference of venue to
appear for interview in the online application form. However, NPCIL reserves
the right to allocate Date/Venue for interview as it may deem fit which will
be duly informed to the candidate and no further request for any change shall
be entertained in this regard.
a. Registration number provided on the Admit Card for GATE 2020/GATE
2021/GATE 2022, as the case may be, issued by GATE Authorities has
to be used for applying in NPCIL. Candidates need to ensure that they
fill up the GATE Registration Number correctly and apply for the relevant
discipline in Online Application Form. Requests for correction in GATE
Registration number or Discipline will not be entertained.
b. Eligible applicants may apply through online registration system of
NPCIL. Applications submitted in any other form including handwritten/
typewritten applications in hard format delivered in person or by other
means will not be entertained. DO NOT SEND any of the documents/
application form etc. to NPCIL before in