NPCIL Admit Card 2021: Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) has released the admit card of written for the post of Stipendiary Trainee Operator & Stipendiary Trainee Maintainer on its official website for Narora Atomic Power Station. Candidates can download Narora Atomic Power Admit Card from the NPCIL Career official website –
NPCIL Admit Card Link is given below. The candidates can NPCIL Trainee Admit Card, directly, through the link:
NPCIL Admit Card Download Link
As per official notice, ‘ “Admit cards for the posts of Stipendiary Trainee Operator & Stipendiary Trainee Maintainer – Cat II (Advertisement No. NAPS/HRM/01/2018), at Narora Atomic Power Station have been released for downloading.”
How to Download NPCIL Admit Card 2021 ?
- Go to official website of NPCIL – /
- Click on ‘CAREERS’ Tab
- Search for ‘Recruitment of Stipendiary Trainees/Scientific Assistants at NAPS’ and click on ‘Click here to view details & Apply Online’
- A new window page will open where you need to click on ‘Login’ Button
- Enter your Login ID and Password and login
- Now, click on ‘Apply’ Tab given at the left side and then click on ‘Application Status’
- Download Narora Admit Card 2021 by clicking on ‘Click on Generate Admit Card of Written Test’
You can check date, time and venue of the exam in their NPCIL Narora Admit Card. Candidates should carry all the relevant documents at the exam centre along with the admit card.
NPCIL Exam Pattern:
Stage 1
There will be 50 multiple choice questions on:
Subject | No. of Questions | Marks |
Mathematics | 20 | 60 |
Science | 20 | 60 |
General Awareness | 10 | 30 |
03 (Three) marks to be awarded for each correct answer and 01 (one) mark to be deducted for each incorrect answer. the medium of the question paper will be in English and Hindi.
Stage 2
All candidates screened in Stage-1 to undertake an advanced test in their respective trade applicable for the post. The level of questions will be related to their qualifying academic / professional / technical qualification.
Physical Test and Document Verification will be held next day of the written exam.