Applications are invited for Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Chair, four (4) Rajya Sabha Fellowships from eminent scholars and academic of repute with relevant experience and suitable qualification.
Applications are also invited for ten (10) Rajya Sabha Student Engagement Internships from students pursuing Graduation and Post Graduation studies in any discipline to provide them an opportunity to acquaint themselves with the working of Indian Parliament, especially the Rajya Sabha.
The detailed terms and conditions for the Chair, Fellowship and Internship and the respective Application Forms and proformas are available on the Rajya Sabha website: under the head “Rajya Sabha Research and Study Scheme”.
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Post: 15
Qualification: Be/Btech/PG/Phd
Final Year Eligible
An applicant should have minimum Master’s degree in social science, law and other related disciplines relevant to the subject of study. Preference will be given to those who possess higher qualifications of M.Phil. and Ph.D.
The Chair will be for a period of two years (extendable upto one year) from the date of the award of the Chair.
Age Limit
An applicant for the Chair shall not exceed 65 years of age at the time of application (to be relaxed by RAC in case of deserving applicant). Applicant’s academic assignments and other engagements will be taken into consideration at the time of selection so that she/he could devote requisite time and energy for undertaking the research work of the Chair.
Research Grant
The research grant for the Chair shall be Rs.20 lakh for the entire period of two years. The schedule of release of the grant will be as follows:
(a) 20% of the amount payable at the time of the selection;
(b) 30% of the amount after the submission of the first draft report;
(c) 30% of the amount after the submission of the final draft report. The final draft shall be submitted not later than three months before the end of the tenure of the Chair; and
(d) the remaining amount shall be paid after approval of report by the Chairman, Rajya Sabha.
Mode of Selection
- The advertisement inviting applications for the Chair shall be published in reputed academic journals and national newspapers. The advertisement will also be placed on the website of Rajya Sabha.
- The applicants will be required to send their particulars in the prescribed formats (Annexure-I, Ia & Ib) duly filled in, along with a synopsis of the research proposal.
- The applications shall be considered by the Research Advisory Committee which shall recommend a panel of the names to the Chairman, Rajya Sabha for selection of Chair. The Committee may also suggest on its own name(s) of eminent scholars for the Chair.
- The person selected, if already employed, may be required to produce a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the institution for taking up the assignment
The applicants will be required to send their particulars in the prescribed formats (Annexure-I, Ia & Ib) duly filled in, along with a synopsis of the research proposal to through e-mail at
- The Fellowship is open to scholars who have relevant educational qualification/experience for undertaking the study in line with the objective of the Scheme. Former Members of Parliament/ State Legislatures and former officers of Parliament/State Legislature Secretariats are also eligible to apply.
- An applicant for the Fellowship should be between 25-65 years of age at the time of application (to be relaxed by RAC in case of deserving applicants)
- An applicant should have minimum Master’s degree in social science, law and other related disciplines relevant to the subject of study. Preference will be given to those who possess higher qualifications of M.Phil. and Ph.D
- The Fellowships will be for a period of 18 months (extendable upto six months) from the date of award of Fellowship.
Age Limit
An applicant for the Fellowship should be between 25-65 years of age at the time of application (to be relaxed by RAC in case of deserving applicants)
Research Grant
- The total amount of research grant for each Fellowship will be Rs.8 lakh for entire duration. The schedule of the release of the funds will be as follows:
(a) 20% of the amount payable at the time of the selection;
(b) 30% of the amount after the submission of the first draft report;
(c) 30% of the amount after the submission of the final draft report. The final draft shall be submitted not later than two months before the end of the tenure; and
(d) the remaining amount shall be paid after approval of report by the Chairman, Rajya Sabha.
Mode of Selection
- The applications shall be considered by the RAC which shall recommend a panel of the names to the Chairman, Rajya Sabha for grant of Fellowships. The Committee may also suggest on its own name(s) of eminent scholars for the Fellowships.
- The applicants will be required to send their particulars in the prescribed formats (ANNEXURE-I, Ia & Ib) duly filled in, along with a synopsis of the research proposal.
The applicants will be required to send their particulars in the prescribed formats (Annexure-I, Ia & Ib) duly filled in, along with a synopsis of the research proposal to through e-mail at
- Students pursuing graduation and post-graduation courses in any discipline would be eligible for internship programme during summer vacation. There would be ten Internships, five each for the Graduate and Post-Graduate applicants. The Internship positions among the Graduate and Post-Graduate applicants will, however, vary depending on the applications received and the suitability of applicants. The applicants will be required to send their particulars duly filled in the prescribed formats (Annexure-V & Va).
Selection of Interns
- Interns shall be selected by the Rajya Sabha Secretariat as per the direction of the Secretary-General, Rajya Sabha.
(iv) Deployment of Interns - Interns would be deployed in the key sections of the Secretariat, i.e., the Legislative Section, Bill Office, Table Office, Committee Sections, etc. under the supervision/mentoring of the concerned Head of the Branch for acquainting them with the functioning of the Secretariat.
- The Internship will be for a period of two months from the date of the award of the Internship.
- An intern would be paid a consolidated amount of Rs.10,000/- per month as stipend.
Award of Certificate : On successful completion of the Internship, a certificate would be presented to each of the Interns.
Duly filled in applications along with duly filled in proformas Rajya Sabha Student Engagement Internships at on or before 31st March, 2021.
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